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New Welcoming Spaces available across Barnsley for the winter months

Running up until 31 March 2023, as of today, a range of Barnsley Council buildings, such as libraries, museums, family centres, and Berneslai Homes buildings, are amongst those being made available.

Whe entering one of the Council Welcoming Spaces, everyone can expect to find respect, dignity, and warmth.

Every Welcoming Space is a non-judgemental area - whatever the reason you have for needing to come in, you will never be judged.

Additionally, all Welcoming Spaces will stick to Council safeguarding policies and standard food hygiene rules.

If you want to share the reasons you need a Welcoming Space, someone will listen, but they won't tell anyone else unless you give them permission, or unless they must because of their safeguarding policies.

For a list of Barnsley’s Welcoming Spaces, click here

Additionally, Barnsley Council's warm homes officers are hosting regular drop-in sessions at libraries around the borough to discuss the help available for anyone struggling to pay their energy bills or keep their homes warm.

Please talk to them if you need advice on improving your home with energy saving measures, energy bills and tariffs and energy debt. For more details, call 01226 773366.

Posted on Dec 12, 2022.

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